Emad Sleiby
DirectorAn experienced urban designer, Emad has developed a specialism in large scale, regeneration schemes, which stems from an interest in the individual's place in the life of the city.
He led the masterplan development for the regeneration of Gascoigne Estate in Barking, with north east London, which structures phased redevelopment of the 1960s estate. Emad was also a key team member of the Legacy Communities Scheme, responsible for the illustrative design and design guidelines for a number of the legacy neighbourhoods. In addition, he was involved in the infrastructure design coordination for the Olympic Transformation Masterplan which ensured that Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park was open to the public shortly after the Games.
More recently, he has been involved in our masterplanning work for the Al-Balad UNESCO World Heritage site in Jeddah, the redevelopment of Filton Airport at the northern edge of Bristol and a new public realm framework for City Strand, Dublin.
Emad co-leads the Masterplanning Group and was a key member in setting up the annual Citymakers autumn conference. Originally from Jordan, he trained in architectural urbanism at the Architectural Association.