Book /

Citymakers: What we leave behind

The climate emergency demands we retain much more of our urban fabric rather than build anew. Here we explore ways of approaching the often awkward urban inheritance of the 20th century.

The outcome of our fourth Citymakers series, this publication explores the legacies of the 20th and early 21st centuries through the themes of inheritance, hereafter and future. Discussing approaches to dealing with this mixed bag of built fabric, and crucially, how those involved in the making of the city can help shape more sustainable legacies for future generations and needs yet unknown.

The publication features material from a lecture series delivered across three venues in London - the Barbican Centre, London College of Communication and The WestWorks - that cut to the centre of these themes of retrofit, repurpose and building anew.

With essays from practitioners: Rasmus Astrup (SLA), John Dales (Urban Movement), David Knight (DK-CM), Alex Ely (Mæ), developers: Jonny Anstead (TOWN), Yair Ginor (Frame RE), sustainability practitioners: Smith Mordak (UKGBC), Mel Allwood (ARUP), researchers: Julia Okatz (SYSTEMIQ), Kath Scanlon (LSE) and artist Verity-Jane Keefe; as well as contributions from Allies and Morrison's own Paul Eaton, Louise Mansfield, Artur Carulla and Alfredo Caraballo. Edited by Daniel Elsea.

You can read the publication here.

Edited in
210 x 280mm
Allies and Morrison Masterplanning Group
Allies and Morrison